A partial list of the venues where Kicks has performed…
Beverly Hills Hotel Beverly Hills, CA. www.beverlyhillshotel.com
Omni La Costa Hotel & Spa Carlsbad, CA www.lacosta.com
Four Seasons Aviara Carlsbad, CA www.fourseasons.com
Hotel Del Coronado Coronado, CA www.hoteldelcoronado.com
Lowes Coronado Resort & Spa Coronado, CA www.LoewsHotels.com
Hilton Mission Bay San Diego, CA www1.hilton.com
Coronado Island Marriott Resort Coronado, CA www.marriott.com
The Grand Del Mar San Diego, CA www.thegranddelmar.com
Ritz Carlton Laguna Niguel Dana Point, CA www.ritzcarlton.com
Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort Dana Point, CA www.ranchocapistrano.org
Paradise Point Resort & Spa San Diego, CA www.paradisepoint.com
St. Regis Monarch Beach Resort Dana Point, CA www.stregismonarchbeach.com
Maderas Golf Club Poway, CA www.maderasgolf.com
Ruby Hill Golf Club Pleasanton, CA www.rubyhill.com
Four Seasons San Francisco San Francisco, CA www.fourseasons.com
Auberge Del Mar Resort & Spa Del Mar, CA
The Del Mar Hilton Del Mar, CA www.sandiegodelmarhilton.com
Omni Hotel San Diego San Diego, CA www.omnihotels.com
Sheraton Universal Hotel Universal City, CA www.sheratonuniversal.com
Hilton San Francisco Union Square San Francisco, CA http://www.hiltonsanfranciscohotel.com
Grand Hyatt San Francisco San Francisco, CA www.grandsanfrancisco.hyatt.com
Orfila Vineyards & Winery Escondido, CA www.orfila.com
California Center for Performing Arts Escondido, Ca www.artcenter.org
Grand Tradition Fallbrook, CA www.grandtradition.com
Pala Mesa Resort Fallbrook, CA www.palamesa.com
La Valencia Hotel La Jolla, CA www.lavalenciahotel.com
The Darlington House La Jolla, CA www.darlingtonhouse.com
The Lodge at Torrey Pines La Jolla, CA www.lodgetorrypines.com
St. James By The Sea La Jolla, CA www.stjameshall.com
The La Jolla Womens Club La Jolla, CA www.lajollawomansclub.com
Hyatt Aventine La Jolla La Jolla, CA www.lajollahyatt.com
The Soledad Club La Jolla, CA www.soledadclub.com
Birch Aquarium La Jolla, CA www.birchaquarium.com
The Museum of Contemporary Art La Jolla, CA www.mcasd.org
Azul Restaurant La Jolla La Jolla, CA www.azullajolla.signonsandiego.com
Radisson Hotel La Jolla La Jolla, CA www.radisson.com/lajollaca
Surf & Sand Hotel Laguna Beach, CA www.wedstar.com/Surf&Sand
Caesars Tahoe Resort Lake Tahoe, CA www.montbleuresort.com
Barona Valley Ranch Resort Lakeside, CA www.baronacasino.com
Aladdin Hotel Las Vegas, NV www.aladdincasino.com
Las Vegas Convention Center Las Vegas, NV www.lvcva.com
Bally’s Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV www.ballys.com
Bellagio Las Vegas, NV www.bellagio.com
Caesars Palace Las Vegas, NV www.caesars.com
Circus Circus Hotel Las Vegas, NV www.circuscircus.com
Excalibur Hotel/Casino Las Vegas, NV www.excalibur.com
Flamingo Hilton Las Vegas, NV www.flamingolasvegas.com
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NV www.hardrockhotel.com
Las Vegas Hilton Las Vegas, NV www.lasvegashilton.com
Luxor Las Vegas, NV www.luxor.com
Mandalay Bay Las Vegas, NV www.mandalaybay.com
MGM Grand Hotel Las Vegas, NV www.mgmcasino.com
Mirage Las Vegas, NV www.mirage.com
New York-New York Hotel Las Vegas, NV www.nynyhotlelcasino.com
Paris Casino Resort Las Vegas, NV www.parislasvegas.com
Rio Suite Hotel Las Vegas, NV www.riolasvegas.com
Riviera Hotel Las Vegas, NV www.rivierahotel.com
Sahara Hotel Las Vegas, NV www.saharavegas.com
Tropicana Resort Las Vegas, NV www.tropicanalv.com
Venetian Resort Hotel Casino Las Vegas, NV www.venetian.com
Hotel BelAir Los Angeles, CA www.hotelbelair.com
The Belamar Manhattan Beach,CA www.thebelamar.com
Rancho Bernardo Inn Rancho Bernardo, CA www.RanchoBernardoInn.com
Bernardo Winery Rancho Bernardo, CA www.bernardowinery.com
The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe Rancho Santa Fe, CA www.theinnatrsf.com
The Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club Rancho Santa Fe, CA www.rsfgc.com
The Farms at Ranch Santa Fe Rancho Santa Fe, CA www.thefarmsgolfclub.com
Lomas Santa Fe Country Club Rancho Santa Fe, CA www.lomassantafecc.com
Rancho Valencia Rancho Santa Fe, CA www.ranchovalencia.com
Bernard Gardens Rancho Santa Fe, CA www.myspace.com/bernardgardens
Morgan Run Rancho Santa Fe, CA www.morganrun.com
The Prado at Balboa Park San Diego, CA www.balboaparkweddings.com
Marina Village Conference Center San Diego, CA www.marinavillage.net
San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina San Diego, CA www.marriott.com
Bahia Resort Hotel San Diego, CA www.bahiahotel.com
Hornblower Cruises and Events San Diego, CA www.hornblower.com
Shelter Pointe Hotel San Diego, CA shelterpointe.com
Town & Country Hotel San Diego, CA www.towncountry.com
The Bristol Hotel San Diego, CA www.thebristolhotel.com
Berkeley Ferry Boat San Diego, CA www.sdmaritime.com
Catamaran Resort Hotel San Diego, CA www.catamaranresort.com
Thursday Club San Diego, CA www.thethursdayclub.org
The Westgate Hotel San Diego, CA www.westgatehotel.com
Riverwalk Golf Club San Diego, CA www.riverwalkgc.com
The Abbey San Diego, CA abbeyweddings.com
The University Club San Diego, CA www.uc-sandiego.com
San Diego Wine & Culinary Center San Diego, CA www.sdwineculinary.com
Hilton San Diego Harbor Island San Diego, CA www.hiltonharborisland.com
Tom Hams Lighthouse San Diego, CA www.tomhamslighthouse.com
San Diego Zoo Wild Animal Park San Diego, CA www.sandiegozoo.org
Hilton Garden Inn San Diego, CA www.hiltoncarlsbad.com
The Charter Connection San Diego, CA www.charterconnection.com
Catamaran Hotel San Diego, CA www.catamaranresort.com
El Cortez Don Room San Diego, CA www.elc.cc
The Sherton Hotel & Marina San Diego, CA www.starwoodweddings.com/SheratonSanDiego
The U S Grant San Diego, CA www.usgrant.net
The Westin Horton Plaza San Diego, CA www.starwoodweddings.com/HortonPlaza/
W San Diego San Diego, CA www.starwoodweddings.com
The Bristol San Diego, CA www.thebristolsandiego.com
Wyndham Emerald Plaza San Diego, CA www.wyndham.com
Red Lion Hanalei San Diego, CA www.hanaleihotel.com
Carmel Mountain Ranch Country Club San Diego, CA www.clubcmr.com
Dana Inn & Marina San Diego, CA www.thedana.net
Handlery Hotel & Resort San Diego, CA www.handlery.com
Humphrey’s by the Bay San Diego, CA www.halfmooninn.com
Island Palms Hotel & Marina San Diego, CA www.islandpalms.com
Karl Strauss Brewery Gardens San Diego, CA www.karlstrauss.com
Lake San Marcos Country Club San Marcos, CA www.lakesanmarcosresort.com
Carlton Oaks Country Club Santee, CA www.carltonoaksgolf.com
Rancho Las Lomas Silverado, CA www.rancholaslomas.com
Harrahs Rincon Valley Center, CA www.harrahs.com